How It All Began: My Disc Golf Roots

Discovering disc golf was a mishap in my life, but has became my passion and my go to recreational sport. I first came across the sport by accident, when my older brother was playing disc golf with one of his friends. I was intrigued at the idea of disc golf, but never got into playing, until my dad took me out to play one day. Once I played my first round of disc golf, I knew that it was my favorite recreational sport. Once I started playing more consistently, scoring better and playing more, I decided to dive deeper into the sport of disc golf & really get my feet into the sport.

Over time, it has been harder to find time to play, as I'm busy with school, work, and personal matters, but the journey I've had with disc golf is nothing short of spectacular. Taking that deeper dive into the world of disc golf opened up so many possibilities for me, learning more and more after each throw I take, spending more money into the sport, just to have a new disc that flies different from the others that I have, or even getting my own basket so I can practice my putting in my own backyard. I've immersed myself into the game of disc golf, with it's unique blend of athleticism and mindfulness, it has become a thrill to hit that perfect shot, or sharing a embarrasing moment with my closest friends. Disc golf has provided me with a sense of community and personal growth that is clawing at me to come back for more.