At Porch Cats, we live for the thrill of a good vintage find. There's nothing too odd, too old, or too rusty that can't be treasured by someone...especially us. Scavenging for the coolest items to bring to our customers is what we do best. Since April 2022, we've been scratching the surface of the antique world, learning more than we ever imagined, and developing an absolute passion for hunting down one-of-a-kind finds.
Our journey has been a wild ride, and while we're currently working from small space booths, we're dreaming big! We hope to one day have our very own storefront where we can spread even more vintage love. We hope you cool cats enjoy browsing our finds and learning a little more about the company we've poured our hearts, sweat, blood, and tears into. Along with various information about our business, we have also provided a link to one of our favorite websites that we use to spot vintage clothing tags. Such a good resource to find true vintage clothing versus "vintage style" clothing that is offered in many modern stores.