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Upcoming Solar Eclipses

List of Upcoming Solar Eclipses
Date Type Location
April 08, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse North America
On this date, a total solar eclipse will occur, crossing North America. The eclipse path will pass over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the face of the Sun, causing the sky to darken as if it were dawn or dusk. It’s a rare and awe-inspiring celestial event that captivates observers as the Sun’s corona becomes visible around the Moon’s silhouette.
October 2, 2025 Annular Solar Eclipse Central Pacific to South America
Begins in the central Pacific and moves southeast towards the southern edge of South America ending off the coast of Argentina.
February 17, 2026 Annular Solar Eclipse Indian Ocean, Antarctica, South America
This will start as a partial solar eclipse in the Indian Ocean and will become annular just north of Antarctica. It will end just South of South America.
August 12, 2026 Total Solar Eclipse Eastern Russia, North Pole, Greenland, Iceland, Mediterranean
Starting over Eastern Russia, it will continue northwest until it's over the North Pole, and then start heading southeast across Greenland and Iceland ending in the Mediterranean.
February 06, 2027 Annular Solar Eclipse Southern Pacific, South America, Africa
The eclipse will start in the southern Pacific, go east over South America, and continue east until it reaches the coast of Africa.