Jobs In The Field Of Information Systems

Many people do not know about the field of Information Systems, much less the multiple jobs the field has to offer. The field has many positions involving administrators, developers, and managers of different technological systems in a business.

The systems we are referring to could be network systems such as switches and domain controllers, or they could be storage systems such as servers or fallback servers.

Administrators usually make sure everything is working the way it is supposed to. That could be upgrading outdated systems, or monitoring and fixing current issues with the system.

Developers are more towardsthe software and web design side of things. They use code to create websites or applications that the company will use. They often need a bit more computer science knowledge, which is fortunately offered in a Information Systems degree!

Finally there are management positions that can be achieved after attaining some experience in the field, as well as a degree. Managers usually do not do as much of the hands on work with the Systems in a company. They focus more on the logistic end of managing the company's many information systems. They are focused on approving and denying proposed projects, as well as making sure they have the budget to follow through with the approved project.
Information Systems Jobs
The image above is a list of a few of the many different jobs one can find in the Information Systems field. This list was acquired from the UCA CISA website.