About the Coach

Parents, I want to share a bit about myself, "Coach Chuck." I serve as the Technology Director at Mayflower Schools and have previous experience coaching Esports. In 2023, I co-coached the State Runner-up team in all divisions of Smash Brothers Ultimate at Clinton High School. Through my involvement, I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact Esports can have on students, regardless of their background or circumstances.

AAA State Championship Trophies

It's challenging to fully encapsulate my experiences and observations on this page alone. However, I've seen how Esports can serve as a positive catalyst for personal growth and development for many students. It transforms gaming from a mere pastime into a productive endeavor, fostering skills and adjustments that extend far beyond the virtual arena.

Esports has the power to bring together students from diverse backgrounds and provide them with opportunities for camaraderie, teamwork, and skill development. As a coach, I am dedicated to nurturing these positive outcomes and ensuring that students can derive meaningful benefits from their participation in Esports. Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to guide and support your child through their Esports journey.

Hear from the Coach!

Contact Me: c.smith@mayflowerschools.org


All Games have been selected by the Arkansas Activities Association

  1. Financial Considerations: Mayflower is dedicated to making the financial investment for parents minimal. As a new program, financial donations can help, and may be sought after to provide jerseys, equipment, and travel for tournament play. There is no current cost to participate and we will work hard to ensure every athlete on the team has the same access despite financial considerations. It cannot be understated that having access to the games and an internet connection at home, will benefit your athlete the same as access to basketball goals or soccer balls can help in those sports. Not all practice needed to excel can be done at school.
  2. Healthy Balance: While Esports can be enjoyable and potentially lucrative, it's important for parents to encourage a healthy balance between gaming and other activities such as physical exercise, socializing, and academics. At Mayflower, we require the same from our athletes as any other AAA activity. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA to participate. We work hard with the other activities on campus so that we can strive to balance academic and physical activities. We want students to be able to add Esports into their current activities with the understanding Esports needs to be just as important.
  3. Professionalism and Opportunities: Esports is a rapidly growing industry with professional players, teams, leagues, and tournaments. Just like traditional sports, Esports can offer opportunities for scholarships, sponsorships, and careers. Not all careers in Esports are limited to ability, broadcasting, coaching, and other support rolls are rapidly becoming viable pathways.
  4. Social Interaction: Contrary to the stereotype of gamers being isolated, Esports often involve teamwork, communication, and social interaction, both online and offline. Many players develop strong friendships and communication skills through gaming.
  5. Educational Opportunities: Believe it or not some higher educational institutions offer Esports programs and scholarships. Esports can also provide opportunities for developing skills in areas such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and teamwork, which can be beneficial in various career paths. Mayflower Esports concentrates on team games, as they offer the highest return on personal growth.

Arkansas Activities Association

In order to play your student must have a PlayVS account!

Mayflower School District