About Kwibuka
In 1994 a crowd of people tried to flee to neighboring countries.
Rwandans became refugees in countries like Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania
Children, Babies, Infants, they were all slaughtered
Few of the millions that were killed
Some survivors were left with scars
Bodies were found in churches as people thought it was their safe haven
Collections of bones and skulls of the victims kept in different memorial sites
Kigali Genocide Memorial Site, where the remains of over 250,000 people are interred there
Every year candles are lit throughout the 100 Days as a symbol of honoring and paying tribute to the victims and survivors of the atrocity
Excellency President Paul Kagame and First Lady Jeannette Kagame lighting the Flame of Hope
Millions of Rwandans and friends across the world participate in the Walk to Remember, a symbol of hope and resilience
Rwandans and friends gather to pay tribute to the victims and to support the survivors
This is Rwanda now
A country that has now rebuilt itself from the devastation of the past
Rwanda has been named one of the cleanest countries in Africa